Media statement by MP for Puchong, Gobind Singh Deo on 24 March 2021:

I call upon MACC chief, Dato Seri Azam Baki to break his silence and to publicly state what the MACC will do over allegations made by Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Bador about corrupt practices in the police force.
Does the MACC not want to probe and get to the truth behind these allegations?
The Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission was set up to promote the integrity and accountability of both the private and public sector administration. This is set out in section 2 of the MACC Act 2009.
What we have is unprecedented. It is no ordinary police officer but the police chief himself and publicly declaring that there are corrupt practices in the force and implicating police officers in the process.
As head of the MACC, Dato Seri Azam Baki cannot sit back in light of these damning allegations which have in the past week dominated public discussion.
Yesterday I called upon the IGP to lodge a report and for investigations to proceed in the matter. I reiterate that call again.

However it would appear that investigations into corrupt practices covered by the MACC Act may be commenced even where information is otherwise received.
Section 29(3) of the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission Act provides that where an officer of the commission has reason to suspect the commission of an offence under that Act either following a report made or on information otherwise received, he shall cause an investigation to be carried out and for such purpose exercise all the powers of investigation provided for under that act or under the Criminal Procedure Code.
The MACC must act without fear or favour especially in cases which impact on the integrity of enforcement agencies like the police force.
The MACC must inspire confidence. Silence is not an option.
Dato Seri Azam Baki must explain how he will deal with the problem and if there is no plan to do so, he must explain why.