Former Transport Minister Anthony Loke paid tribute to his driver, Hazril who had been his faithful companion during his time at the ministry.
“I have been with him almost every day for the past 21 months. Even when I had programmes till late nights, he would be at my house early the following morning,” Loke said in an emotional Facebook post on Monday. The post which warmed the hearts of Netizens has since been shared thousands of times.
Loke reminisced on the many occasions he was commended by event organisers and media personnel for arriving earlier than scheduled. “The credit actually has to go to Hazril. He was a good planner as he would on a daily basis, check my engagements for the next day,” claimed Loke.
The Seremban MP thanked Hazril for his dedication to his job and was grateful for the many long hours he had put in.
“I will miss him the most. Thank you Hazril, and always be safe on the road,” he added.