Current Affairs

Schooling Khairy Jamaluddin on ‘hope’ for youth

By Howard Lee, DAPSY Perak State Secretary

howard khairyBy Khairy Jamaluddin’s own admission, DAP gave the youth HOPE. Khairy paints the picture as though DAP is cruel in offering hope that is false. In this, he reveals the deep seeded perversity of UMNO, which only allows those born into wealth, influence and the right lineage to Hope; otherwise all hope is false.

Or could it be that he himself has never had to hope for anything? Or could it be that things were always served on a golden platter with a silver spoon?

Maybe in his Oxford PPE days, he was absent during tutorials on Utopian literature. Maybe he needs a lesson or two on the notion of Hope.

DAP is a 49 year old party built on a hope to realise the Malaysian Dream. A hope that has brought, what started as a counter establishment movement to where it is today; a pan Malaysian party in government in several states, and a federal government in making no less.

DAP is also the party that has galvanised the hopes of Malaysians young and old into seeing through the lies, deceit and false promises of UMNO and BN. Dyana was not the first Malay to have become someone in DAP, she certainly won’t be the last. But people like Dyana, its not about BEING SOMEONE, but about being able to DO SOMETHING.

In a present world full of challenges, hardships, poverty, polarisation, hope is real.

In our nation where families go without access to affordable healthcare, where some go without the possibility if breaking out of poverty, some don’t even have a home to speak of, hope is real.

In a time where the ruling party perpetuates collisions of faiths and outwardly divides the gap between fellow countrymen of different races, hope is real.

When those in government fan the fire of hatred when all the people want is to love each other in friendship and solidarity, they government is actually fanning the audacity to hope.

Cruelty is when UMNO in its desperation tells the world that hope for a better Malaysia is false hope, because they are bankrupt, starved and desperately lacking in what it takes to bring about a truly Malaysian Malaysia.

Khairy, here’s a reality check, mate. The youth of Malaysia today, would rather live and work in Hope of a better future, than be trapped in UMNO’S agenda of keeping them struggling in contentment of mediocrity and hardship.

Khairy, there is no such thing as false hope. There is only hope.

DAP offers that. Not only to Dyana, but to all Malaysians.

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