All posts tagged 'scandal'

PDRM – More money, more effective?

Malaysians heaved a collective sigh of relief in September over the departure of one of the most notorious policeman …

PKFZ: How Many Task Forces Do We Need?

Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak’s “performance now” government is fast becoming a farce, as yet another special task force has been set up to “investigate” the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) super-scandal.

BN Johor bulldozes amendment to State Constitution

The amendment has substituted a new condition for “by-election” within Part II Article 23 Clause (5) of the constitution. The latest provision stipulated that “a casual vacancy shall be filled within 60 days from the date on which it is established by the Election Commission (EC) that is a vacancy”.

In memory of Teoh Beng Hock

“As a young person, I resonate with his desire to contribute so willingly to this cause. His death cannot be in vain. Although it may spark fears amongst the young – and their parents – as to the grave political dangers of this working environment, I believe with a greater urgency and fervour that this is the right thing to do.