All posts tagged 'ismail sabri'

The first test of Ismail Sabri’s government

26th August 2021 The acid test of the  Ismail Sabri government is whether it could  win the war against …

What we said to Ismail Sabri

26th August 2021 Saving Lives And Livelihoods By Winning The War Against COVID-19 And Helping Malaysians Survive The Economic …

The Prime Minister must commit to institutional reforms

Azalina’s resignation as Deputy Speaker of Parliament opens the way for  far-reaching parliamentary reforms where  a Deputy Speaker comes …

Will Ismail Sabri do what Muhyiddin didn’t?

Press Statement21 August 2021 Ismail Sabri Must Now Do What Muhyiddin Didn’t Do, Test His Confidence in Parliament I …

Ismail Sabri must secure a confidence vote in Parliament as decreed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong

Press statement by MP for Ipoh Barat, M. Kula Segaran on 24 August 2021:   Why is Apandi blatantly …

Ismail Sabri needs to prioritise the wellbeing of children in Malaysia

Media statement by MP for Segambut, Hannah Yeoh on 22 August 2021:   Ismail Sabri Needs to Establish A …

New Prime Minister Ismail Sabri must correct Malaysia’s failures in fighting Covid-19

Media statement by DAP Secretary-General and MP for Bagan, Lim Guan Eng on 20 August 2021:     DAP …

With record daily infections and deaths, PN’s boasting of Covid-19 vaccination rate is highly irresponsible!

  What type of normalcy will Malaysia achieve by relying on vaccination alone without taking into account the record …

Can Ismail Sabri perform as DPM, when he once failed as a Senior Minister?

We now have a new Deputy Prime Minister who just not too long ago posted on Facebook with a …

PN just unveiled a new DPM. Now can we get a new, more effective strategy against Covid-19 too?

  New Deputy Prime Minister, same #KerajaanGagal   Amidst an alarming rise in Covid-19 cases in our country that …