All posts tagged 'discrimination'

Sexist stance on citizenship law directly contradicts Ismail Sabri’s Keluarga Malaysia concept

DAP strongly admonishes the government’s stubborn decision to proceed with its appeal against the recent High Court decision allowing …

Does the Attorney General encourage sexism and discrimination against Malaysian women?

Press Statement14th September 2021 Discriminatory practices in appealing the court decision to grant citizenship to children born to Malaysian mothers overseas …

A government that discriminates against its women and children is NOT a “Keluarga Malaysia” government

Press Statement 14th September 2021 Ismail Sabri fails his 100 days test to safeguard his big Malaysian family concept …

Why isn’t PN doing anything about increasing deaths in police custody?

Press Statement4th June 2021 RCI only way forward after yet another death in police custody Another piece of sad …

MIC should stand up for Indians and boycott PAS now!

Press Statement25th January 2021 MIC and MCA should demand PN Presidential Council to censure Kedah MB and demand reversal …

Home Ministry, your discrimination against Malaysian women is archaic and shameful

Press Statement4th December 2020 I refer to the statement made by the Deputy Home Minister, Ismail Mohamed Said as …

Stop double standards, adopt same SOP for citizens and VIPs

Press Statement9th November 2020 There should only be one SOP for entry into Sarawak, not one for ordinary citizens …

Stop Gender Discrimination Against Women

Press Statement by Wanita DAP Sabah on 13 August 2020: Wanita DAP Sabah is deeply dissapointed and staunchly condemns …