Mahiaddin promised the rakyat RM1,000 monthly welfare aid during the Sabah State Election last year but to date, it remains an empty promise!
Fresh from appointing a new Deputy Prime Minister, it seems nothing has changed with PN’s disastrous handling of the Covid-19 crisis as Malaysia recorded its highest ever new daily cases today with 9,180 infections.
In a statement released today, DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng commented that the PN component parties have lost their purpose to look after the welfare of the rakyat. Furthermore, following UMNO’s pull out from the government, PN is more interested in their political survival and retaining power than focusing on the livelihood of the rakyat.
Lim, who is also the Member of Parliament (MP) for Bagan then lambasted PN for being a dysfunctional government during a time when the rakyat need them the most, saying:
“This is a typical dysfunctional government failing to perform their basic duty of meeting the essential needs of the rakyat, especially the poor, unemployed and businesses facing closure,”
Lim then urged the government to increase the monthly welfare payments for Malaysians to RM1,000 in order to save the rakyat’s lives and livelihoods. Furthermore, he also called for unemployed Malaysians to also receive this monthly welfare aid.
He also reminded Mahiaddin that the increase of monthly welfare payments to RM1,000 is one of the Prime Minister’s promises during the Sabah State Election last year. To date, this still remains an empty promise.

This welfare aid would cost the government RM1 billion extra monthly but such sums are negligible when compared to the cost of the current total lockdown estimated at RM170 billion by economists.
The Bagan MP further asserted,
“The government should not get stuck in old and orthodox financial thinking but adopt a more dynamic approach when the country is facing a once in a lifetime crisis.”
“There must be serial financial aid on a regular basis to save jobs, businesses, and livelihood. The old method of one-off aid is a mere financial band aid that will not protect the economic livelihood of ordinary workers and financially distressed Malaysians.”
The rakyat don’t need a new Deputy Prime Minister which won’t provide any positive impact whatsoever to the country in terms of combating the Covid-19 pandemic. How much longer must the rakyat suffer under this #KerajaanGagal? – The Rocket.