Press Statement by ADUN for Kapayan, Jannie Lasimbang on 21 December 2020:

Reiterating call to respect rights of communities to say NO
The Sabah State Assembly was surprised today when Assistant Minister of Public Works revealed that the GRS government will revive the Kaiduan/Papar dam project.
“When I asked further regarding details of any cabinet decision on the dam, Assistant Minister Limus Jury, was evasive but he revealed that the environvent and social impact assessments would be carried out by the Institute For Development Studies and University Malaysia Sabah” Jannie said.
“I reiterate my consistent stand on the rights of affected communities to reject a project that will affect them adversely” Jannie added.

Several water supply alternatives to the dam have been raised by experts over the years that are yet to be given due consideration.
Dr Felix Tongkul, a former UMS lecturer and expert on water catchments, has elaborated on sustainable water reservoirs, while an expert from Green Empowerment has recommended grey water recycling and rain-water harvesting.

The GRS government should fulfil its promise to advance technologically, and adopt projects that protects our greatest assets: our lands, forests and rivers.
Jannie Lasimbang,
ADUN for Kapayan.