Current Affairs

#P223 Twitterjaya: 1Care.. I care.. You care?

Asking what is trending on Twitter is not really a good question. Different people see different trending topics. Some would say that the United Malay National Organization tweeples confine their discourse to Saiful Bukhari’s rear end, among other things. On the other side of things, tweets about the economy, corruption, human rights and healthcare are wildly pervasive.

Such gap in the level of discourse can be attributed to the mentality of those in support of either side; their pattern of thought, so to speak. Why would people be interested in what a dude puts into his anus is beyond me. To speak of justice for his back side whilst at the same time spreading racial-hate and downright lies is extremely paradoxical.

Therefore it is not that easy to determine what is actually trending. Unless something really interesting pops up. Like today, #Twitterjaya is talking about the 1Care scheme. One would go as far as saying that this is a healthcare reform. But what reform are we talking about?

Apparently announced in a presentation by Dato’ Dr Maimunah bt A Hamid, Deputy Director General of Health, during the 10th Malaysia Health Plan Conference, the 1Care health plan is hoped to strengthen National Unity. 1Care for 1Malaysia. *rolls eyes*

The sweet ADUN of Subang Jaya, @hannahyeoh, tweeted thus: “Bring on a new leadership in Msia, current PM giving us an overdose of all the “1” programs : 1Msia, BR1M, Sara 1Msia,1Care, 1this & 1that.”

For once, Chinese parents are discouraging their children from scoring in their exams to avoid being number one; for fear of being associated with the infamous branding scheme by the regime of Prime Minister Najib Razak.

“You son got number one aa..”

“Ya lorr…”

“One Malaysia meh? Kah kah kah!”

 As if putting that infamous 1M logo on underwear is not publicity enough, now we have this thing called 1Care.

According to @Eekmalahmad:  “1Care. Sebenarnya 1MalaysiaGoverntmenDontEvenCARE. The general view seems to think that healthcare should be the responsibility of the government. They should care for the well-being of their citizen. Though we cannot deny that in the first place, if you get sick, it is partly your fault and should bear the responsibility as well. Who told you to eat oily burgers four times a day and get fat?”

There’s also general concern on the service provided by the scheme as tweeted by @abamjoni: “Membayar RM400 sebulan untuk perkhidmatan yang tak semestinya aku gunakan. Dan perkhidmatan itu “adalah WTF”? (Translation: Paying RM400 monthly for a service I might not be using, and such service is ‘crap’ (No, I will not type out what WTF means. Google it lah).”

According to @YouTiup: “If a poor chap kena leukaemia (like in Malay TV dramas), and has only 1care insurance, he can actually go to Klinik 1Msia and get panadols.”

@Fifarahman tweeted: “ Excellent link explaining 1Care. What a horrible little scheme. Not interested. #Malaysia”

What’s even more interesting is at the end of said presentation, were these two points on why the 1Care thingy will be good for the Nation: a) Capitalise on liberalisation in the global health care market, and b) Reduce dependence on the government.

Now why should I not blame the capitalists and liberals?


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