Former Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Bador, must come out to reveal more about his revelation before he left a cartel of “dirty cops” working with criminals, after the latest denial by the current IGP.
Current IGP, Datuk Seri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani, denied the existence of cartels when it came to determining promotions within the force, which contradicted the revelations made by his predecessor.
The present IGP’s statement is alarming. The fact that two IGPs are claiming two different findings of a similar matter is also alarming.
The revelation cannot just be swept under the carpet and actually should be relooked at, which is why the former IGP cannot remain silent after this denial.
He needs to reveal more to the public why he said what he said so that the truth can prevail.
The matter has become a matter of public interest and the public has a right to know if the allegations made were actually true.

This is where the problem starts, police investigating allegations against themselves. This is where a strengthened Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) or better yet the Independent Police Complaints and Monitoring Commission (IPCMC) can play a pivotal role.
Only then can the police be held accountable for any wrongdoings which will be overseen by an independent body. This must be the way forward.
The PDRM should be a body free from external influences and monetary policies so that public confidence is not eroded.
The number of custodial deaths in the last few months has also increased and is very troubling. It goes to show that there are still many areas to be looked into.
Due to this, I suggest that a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) be set up to investigate the allegations made by the former IGP.
It will do a lot of good to restore the public’s faith in the police.
M. Kula Segaran
MP Ipoh Barat