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Your money, back where it belongs: to you

Here’s why your vote is a secret


Empowering the people

Educating the less fortunate, equipping them with income earning skills and providing them with equal opportunities empowers the poor …

People’s welfare at the heart

Professing care for people’s welfare need to go beyond words and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) has shown it in abundance …

Accountable Governance

Clean and honest administration is now heard in Malaysia again, thanks to Pakatan Rakyat’s conscientious effort to implement accountable …

From Pakatan Rakyat with love

Fiscal Aptitude

  Being disciplined in holding the purse bag brings prosperity to a nation and Pakatan Rakyat has demonstrably excelled …

Honesty for your perusal

Personal integrity and honesty are virtues expected of public servants anywhere, and in Malaysia Pakatan Rakyat have shown the …

Why we need PACAs

In every election, polling and counting agents (PACAs) plays a crucial but underrated role. Here we run through some …

Limitation of state’s powers

In 2008 Malaysians made the unprecedented political change of electing a record five Pakatan Rakyat state governments. However for …